Sunday, May 18, 2014

One month follow up visit

Yes, this is another "catch up" post.  I decided to break them up, since the two topics are pretty different.  Plus, I really wanted to close that last post with my happy engagement news.  I'm still in a happy glowing mood over that one.

I did, however, have my one month follow up appointment with Dr. Chenn, the sleep specialist.  It went well.  Very well, actually.  Okay, except for the part where the medical assistant had me get on the scale.  I never like that part, and this time it did sting more than a bit.  But everything else was actually quite good.

1) Blood pressure is back down to normal range (126/80)

2) API score (number of times I stop breathing or have extremely labored breathing per hour during sleep) with the CPAP is 0.9.  For reference, anything under 5 is considered "non apneic" and anything under 1 is very good.

3) My average pressure setting - in a variable setting of 8 to 12 - averaged around 9.  So I'm actually not needing all that much pressure to keep my breathing steady.

4) My compliance with using the device is well within what the insurance company's guidelines for conversion from rental to purchase.

5) I feel so much better!  I really feel like I'm getting restorative sleep now.  Not necessarily enough of it most of the time, but that is something I will just need to work on as part of my 100 days of healing.

The best part of all of that, in my opinion, was that he felt like I was doing well enough with my therapy that I don't need monthly visits any more, and recommended coming back in a year for my next follow up.  Woo hoo!

I also really appreciated the fact that he did mention weight loss, but in a non-judgmental or preachy kind of way.  It was more of a "this is something that would be good for you in terms of apnea and other things" but we both agreed that this was something to approach gradually after I started feeling like I was over the initial sleep deprivation issues.

Then the interesting part happened.  I met with the DME person about reordering supplies via mail order.  And she recommended that I come in to have my CPAP pressure re-evaluated if I gained or lost more than 15-20 pounds.  Keep in mind that she had not been privy to my earlier conversation with the doctor. Nor was she aware that I had been very strongly contemplating following some friends along on a weight loss challenge to lose 10% body weight in a 6 month period.  As ashamed as I am to admit it, a 10% weight loss would indeed push me over that 20 pound threshold.

So, I made a decision right there that I was going to do that challenge (though I won't join in on the "bet" portion and put money in it) and make a concerted effort to lose 10% of my body weight by December 1st.  And I had the receptionist schedule my follow-up appointment reminder for 6 months from now, rather than one year.

I have explained the situation and my desire to Brian, and he is totally on board with it.  We are going to start right after the Memorial Day holiday with eating cleaner, fresher foods (greatly minimizing if not eliminating the processed stuff and dining out a lot less).  I will also be tracking food and working harder at portion control.  I will also be starting a more structured exercise routine.  Even if I can't do much at first, I will do what I can and gradually build up my stamina and ability.  I don't expect us to be 100% perfect (for example, I don't intend to even try to "diet" when in Mexico, or when we are on our overnight cruise), but we are going to give this a very strong effort.

Yay for both of us!

Oh, and here's a random picture of my engagement ring.  Just because it makes me smile.  Tee hee!

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