Thursday, July 24, 2014

I can haz teh coffeez!!!!

Short blog post today.  It just occurred to me that last night around 8:00pm, I had a 16 oz drip coffee from Starbucks.  I drank the whole thing.  It was delicious!

Then we went grocery shopping, came home, and I did a little bit of work for Silverbells, surfed a little on my computer, and went to bed, falling asleep within 15 minutes of doing so (normal for me).

Yes, I know, this is a typically normal night for most of the people in the world.  However, a few short months ago, this sequence of events would have had me wide awake, completely unable to sleep for several hours.  After which, I would have tried to awaken at my normal 6:00am wake time feeling like I'd been run over by a Mack truck and that death would be a welcome relief.  This morning, however, I had little more than the typical "Oh crap, it's morning again" feeling that most people over the age of 30 get when they have typical day jobs and are not morning people.

Which indicates to me that the horrible insomnia I was having must have been directly related to the Sleep Apnea.  Which is now being very effectively managed, so I think I can expect far fewer insomnia episodes in the future.  Yay!!!

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