Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sleepy Kitty is a Happy Kitty!

I started this blog mostly as my own personal therapeutic journal.  It helps me clarify my feelings when I write.  Also, I enjoy it.  Writing is fun for me (well, most of the time, anyway).  So yes, it was a very selfish endeavor, but selfish in a good way. 

I have noticed, though, that I have several followers.  Many of you have been posting helpful and encouraging comments, and I very much appreciate it.  I know there are several more of you who are more silent followers, and I do hope you are enjoying my musings.  I do try to keep it entertaining.

This morning, though, I found out that one of my "silent followers" finally got the courage up to do a sleep study himself, in some small part due to reading about my experiences and realizing that there might be a medical, and treatable, cause behind his sleep issues.  It is extremely likely (as in, almost definite) that he is going to be prescribed CPAP therapy as well for sleep apnea.  Words cannot express how much this touches me and gladdens my soul.  To think that I may have helped someone else experience the kind of relief I have had ... well, I'll just say it is one of the best feelings EVER.

So ... yeah ...

Oh, and on a totally different, yet related, note, last night I got a full night of snuggles.  This is a very good thing indeed.

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