Thursday, July 17, 2014

The freaky sounds of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Yes, I have now, in fact, caught myself in the middle of an apneic episode.  And it freaked me the heck out.

You see, I have started listening to these self-hypnosis recordings in an effort for some subliminal self improvement.  One series is on self esteem and body image.  It is meant for weight loss (naturally), but with a focus on self love and such, rather than coming from a place of shame as most weight loss programs are.  The other is on motivation to exercise.  I've found them to be helpful so far.  I'm supposed to listen every day for 21 days to get fully imprinted, or whatever.

In any case, I've noticed that the body's reaction when going into a relaxed hypnotic state is very much the same as when falling asleep.  I started off lying on my back when listening to the tapes.  For some reason, that seemed to be more relaxing than on my side, which is how I always fall asleep at night.  And I noticed that I would come out of my hypnotic state at least 2-3 times in the course of a 20 minute recording, gasping and making gurgling snorey noises in the back of my throat. 

Yeah, really freaked me out.  I didn't like it at all.

And this is what I was doing every 7-10 minutes all night every night.  Only I didn't wake up enough to notice, or something.  Scary stuff.

So now I listen in bed, before going to sleep.  Lying on my side, hooked up to my CPAP machine.

Much better ...

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